Job Seeker Resources

Eyedeal Careers would like to offer a basic guide when applying for that ideal position.

You may find our resume guide useful in assisting you in structuring your curriculum vitae in the Resume Tips Section. Use this guide as a checklist, ensuring that you have covered each relevant area.
Before you apply for that position, it is always useful to find out the current Awards Rates relevant to your qualifications. In the Award Rates Section, you will find links to the relevant websites listing your professional employment awards. Eyedeal Careers would like to encourage you to visit these sites as you should be informed of your employment terms, conditions and award pay rates, which may vary from (Australian) state to state before your interview.
Lastly, Eyedeal Careers have included a News & Messages Section, as an informal source of general information. Feel free to browse in this section to find out the latest updates and announcements.